Two Local Clubs Join Hoover-Vestavia Soccer Club as Part of the Affiliate Program

BIRMINGHAM - Hoover-Vestavia Soccer is excited to announce new affiliations with two local soccer clubs. Trussville United Soccer Club and Pell City Futbol Club have joined as affiliate partners with HVS. This partnership now gives players of both clubs direct access to MLSNEXT, NPL, and DPL training and match play.
This opportunity will enhance both programs by having additional resources available from HVS to service the exceptional players that TUSC and PCFC develop.
Trussville United President Eddy Nalley says, “Over the past decade the soccer landscape in the Birmingham metro area has drastically changed. With the introduction of several new high level programs Trussville United has not been able to provide a similar pathway to compete at such levels. This affiliation will provide our players a chance to compete at a much higher level without having to leave their community club and friends to do so.”
Pell City Executive Director Shane Bell says, “We are very excited about our affiliation with HVS. Pell City FC’s primary focus is to develop our players to be competitive on top-level teams. By working with the staff and coaches of HVS, we are taking additional steps to help our players transition into the next level of soccer.”
HVS Director of Coaching Mike Getman states, “We are very excited to affiliate with Trussville United and Pell City. They have great programs with fantastic coaches and players. Working together I am confident we can help even more players reach their goals.”
The HVS Affiliate Program allows local clubs to align themselves with proven soccer professionals, who’s programming can provide a higher level of play then the player would get with their current club. The HVS Affiliate Program allows players to participate with HVS, all while still playing for their current club.
There are three levels of player participation, Club Zero, where players can train with HVS teams at no cost, Club One, where the players primary team is their club, and Club Two, where the players primary team is HVS.
The HVS Affiliate Program allows players to return to their clubs for regular season matches, State Cup, Regionals, and tournaments. At the same time, it allows the affiliate clubs to provide a pathway to higher competition. Additionally, all affiliated clubs are provided coaching clinics and special topics player sessions, at their venue- staffed by HVS staff.
HVS is dedicated to the development of top-class youth players in the state of Alabama. Many professional and U.S. National Team players have come through the Hoover and Vestavia Hills Soccer Clubs, including Chris Richards, Brandon Servania, and JJ Williams.
To sign up for tryouts, view our FAQs, and for more information on HVS, visit: www.hoovervestaviasoccer.com
To interview someone from HVS, contact Heather Jeffcoat by emailing [email protected] or calling 205-515-1972.
About HVS: In 2020, Vestavia Hills Soccer Club and Hoover Soccer Club partnered to form top level teams in each age group u12-u18/19, boys and girls, creating HVS. HVS consists of top-level coaching, recreational program synergy, and inter-club developmental opportunities at all ages and levels.